By Mark Wills - Course Instructor of Loan Signing System, Forbes Real Estate Council Member, and Best Selling Author
I’m frequently asked, “Mark, how do I get the highest paying notary loan signing jobs that pay $125 to $200 directly from escrow officers, mortgage officers, and real estate agents?”Getting Loan Signing Jobs From Signing Services Is Easy!
Some notary loan signing agents absolutely love signing services and databases. The idea of prospecting for business terrifies them. Being in a database like Snapdocs or 123Notary means that they simply get a phone call or text directly to their cell phone and a signing appointment falls in their lap. They are beyond happy to split the signing fee for this very reason.
However, the drawbacks of getting loan signing jobs directly from notary signing agent databases and loan signing service companies is just that — you have to split the fee. So you're only getting paid $75 to $100 per loan signing job. You also have less control over how many signing jobs you get. And you actually have higher monthly expenses because you are required to print the loan documents yourself from your home. That's why there are notary loan signing agents who bypass signing services and get loan signing jobs directly from the source: escrow officers, mortgage officers, and real estate agents. These notary loan signing agents would much rather put in a little effort up front so they can make $125 to $200 per loan signing instead of splitting the fee with the middleman and making only $100 or less for the same work. But… Have you ever wondered why signing agent training courses do not teach signing agents how to market yourself directly to the professionals at source of loan signings? How come there isn't a certification that teaches you how to get loan signings directly from escrow officers, mortgage officers, or real estate agents? Why Most Training Courses Omit Training on How To Get Direct Signing Jobs
The answer is simple: it's because most notary loan signing agent certification courses are taught by owners of signing agents databases — and it’s not in their best interest to teach you how to get the signings that they give to you. If they did that, they would lose money.
If the signing service or signing agent database taught you how to get loan signings directly from escrow officers, they would essentially be teaching you how NOT to rely on them for your loan signings. This is why they do not teach you how to market yourself. I hope a lightbulb just lit up in your mind! Now, it’s not a bad thing that the signing services don’t teach you this practice. They need to do what's in their best interest. Meaning, it is not in their best interest to show you exactly how to do what they do... how to get loan signing appointments directly from escrow officers, mortgage officers, and real estate agents. I mean, your favorite Italian restaurant wouldn't give you the recipe for their world famous spaghetti, would they? If they did, you may never go back to their restaurant and simply make it at home instead. In the same way, why would signing services teach you how to get loan signings directly from the source without using them as a middleman? They wouldn't and they don't. And this is why taking notary loan signing agent certification courses from signing databases only teaches you a portion of what you need to know in order to become a successful loan signing agent Myth: You Can't Get Direct Signing Jobs From Escrow
The glaring omission from almost every notary loan signing agent course on the market today is how to effectively market yourself to get the highest paying loan signings directly from escrow officers, real estate agents, and mortgage officers.
This is why the prevailing thought in the industry is that it’s impossible to get loan signings directly from escrow offices. It's a myth. It should make sense now, that everything you learn from the other notary loan signing agent certification courses that you have taken is geared towards teaching you how to become a signing agent who gets loan signings from signing services and databases, NOT the marketing techniques that get you loan signings directly from mortgage professionals. Signing services act as middlemen. They find you signings and take part of the loan signing fee from you as payment. They have zero incentive to teach you how to get the highest paying loan signings because that would put them out of business. And as I mentioned before, there are plenty of signing agents who are happy about not having to prospect to get their loan signings appointments — this is why signing services exist. Loan Signing System Teaches You How To Get Direct Signing Jobs!
But for the few notary loan signing agents who want to learn what the signing service training courses won't teach you, I have great news. Loan Signing System will teach you how to walk into an escrow office and get a loan signing assignment directly — no middleman involved. Owners of signing services do it every day. And on top of that, it will reveal the secrets that signing services use to get thousands of loan signings every single year.
In fact, one of my students, Andrew, was able to get direct signings within the first couple months of becoming a notary loan signing agent... he then went on to make $10,000 in a single month because he was able to control the amount of signings he received AND he didn't have to split his fee with the signing service. You can watch his story here: Loan Signing System Can Teach You How to Get Direct Signing Jobs That Pay $125 to $200!
Loan Signing System is the ONLY notary loan signing agent course that is an Educational Partner to the American Escrow Association — the premier organization dedicated to further education and professionalism in the escrow industry as a whole.
So if you’re ready to give yourself a 30% to 100% raise for the exact same loan signing, click on the link below to get access to the word-for-word script I created to help you take control of your loan signing business... and SO much more. I’m Mark, I teach Loan Signing System, and I look forward to helping you become a top-producing loan signing agent today! |
About the AuthorMark Wills is a Forbes Real Estate Council member, Loan Signing System Course Instructor & mentor to over 10,000 notary public business owners, and the National Notary Association's Influencer of the Year! Mark Wills is the course instructor of the #1 rated Loan Signing System notary public signing agent training course.
Loan Signing System has thousands of 5-star reviews and has transformed the fortunes of thousands of notary public business owners across the country! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Click the link below to get the course! Archives
July 2025