At just 24 years old, Dillon launched his notary signing agent career and has since built it into a six-figure signing service in Florida. Now 28, Dillon recently became one of Loan Signing System's Ambassadors, ready to share his inspirational story of persevering through challenges to create success. Tune in now to hear Dillon's journey from signing agent to signing service owner:
Bouncing Back from Lost DreamsOriginally from the Netherlands, Dillon earned a baseball scholarship to college in the US. However, when he got a new coach who wanted to restart the team, Dillon lost his scholarship and returned home, feeling his "American dream" was stripped away. But Dillon was determined to come back to the US and raise a family here. He persisted and earned another scholarship, allowing him to return, complete his degree, and start a career as an account executive. The Pandemic Takes His Job, But Opens a New Door When Dillon lost his job due to the pandemic, it felt like his dreams were crushed all over again. He still felt a glimmer of hope because he had just finished the Loan Signing System course and right before losing his job he had already completed 10 loan signing appointments. At only 24 years old, he knew that this had to work. Recognizing and Overcoming Limiting VoicesWhen starting out, Dillon often doubted if he was qualified enough to guide clients through their documents. But he learned to recognize these anxious, self-limiting thoughts and push past them. Dillon knew success meant stepping outside his comfort zone. Whenever uncertainty arose, he used it as motivation to persist. Steady Progress Over TimeIn his first year as a full-time signing agent, Dillon earned $40,000 during the pandemic in 2020. In year two, he increased to $65,000. In year three, he maintained $65,000 while taking time to develop his signing service business. Then in just the first five months going into 2023, Dillon already hit $55,000 with his signing service. Dillon's path shows the patience required to grow a signing career and avoid comparing yourself to others. Dillon's #1 Piece of Advice for Signing AgentsDillon's number one piece of advice for signing agents is to go into every interaction focused on serving others. He recommends asking yourself "How can I make this person's job easier?" Take responsibilities off their plate so they have one less thing to worry about. Develop systems to simplify processes for title officers, escrow officers, and lenders. Bring cookies just to brighten someone's day, not to get business. Operate with the mindset of helping the next person. When you focus on providing value without expecting anything in return, business will come as a byproduct. Click here to get the same Loan Signing System course as Dillon. |
About the AuthorMark Wills is a Forbes Real Estate Council member, Loan Signing System Course Instructor & mentor to over 10,000 notary public business owners, and the National Notary Association's Influencer of the Year! Mark Wills is the course instructor of the #1 rated Loan Signing System notary public signing agent training course.
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July 2025