Your dashboard will look something like the image below (showing only the courses you have purchased):
Be sure to select the correct course. You may see courses that you've had free trial access. If you're trying to access a free trial course, you'll only be able to see a few modules.
You also may have access to the Complete Notary Mentorship & Business Coaching course inside your student dashboard! For example, the "Six Figure Course: Loan Signing Agent Training + Certification" course has significantly more training modules than the "Complete Notary Mentorship and Business Coaching" course. There have been times when students were in the mentorship course but expecting the content of the training and certification course.
What do I do if I don't see my course in my dashboard or I am unable to log into my course?
Follow these steps if you aren't able to see your course on your dashboard.
Confirm You Are Using the Correct Email Address to Login:
If you don't see your course on your dashboard, please confirm the email you used to purchase the course.
9 times out of 10 students aren't able to access the course because they are using an email different from the one they used to purchase the course.
The best way to confirm the email you purchased under is going to your email client and searching "Loan Signing System Receipt"... if you don't see your receipt, chances are you purchased the course under a different email address. It's important to find the correct email you purchased the course under.
Go to each possible email you may have purchased the course under to confirm by finding the receipt. Once you find your receipt, login using that email. I also recommend writing down your login information somewhere so you can easily access it in the future.
When logging in using your correct email, refresh your browser first
If you mistakenly logged in using a different email address, before logging in again, we recommend closing ALL tabs that may have Loan Signing System up, clearing your browser cache, and refreshing your browser page. Because most login sites 'remember' the most recent login, refreshing the browser before logging in again will likely clear it for you so you can login successfully!
What do I do if I forgot my password? How do I reset my password?
Sometimes you may not remember your password, or in certain situations if you're a new student, may not have had the opportunity to create a new password. If you aren't able to access your course because of either of these issues, click the button below to create a new password (do this only after confirming which email you purchased the course under):
How Do I Change My Password if I'm Already Logged Into My Course?
If you are already logged into your course and want to change your password, you can go to the change password section of your course player found within your My Account Profile section. If you're currently logged into your course now, you can click the button below to access the link:
Follow these steps to see all your modules and effectively progress through the training modules:
How to Select a Module to Watch
Once you're in your course player, you can select your course module by clicking on the title of the module in the left hand side.
Click "Complete & Continue" to Track Progress Through the Course
When you're finished with a module, click the "Complete & Continue" button at the bottom of the module. This will help you keep track of modules you've already completed. Since we recommend that you go through each module in order, I recommend you use the "Complete & Continue" button to get to the next module instead of using the module selection list found on the left hand side of your course player.
Go through each module in order one-by-one. Print the loan documents provided (not all documents may be downloaded, but you can print them). Do not jump around or skip a module. The Loan Signing System exam is placed within your course after all of the loan document training. Passing the exam with a 90% will award you the Loan Signing System Signing Agent Certification! So be sure to print the documents, watch all of the training videos, and take notes on the documents provided!
You Must View "Prerequisite Modules" Before Moving On
If you are unable to view a module, it may be because you have an unmet prerequisite module you should view first. There are a number of modules that are required before moving on.
These “Prerequisite Modules” will help you become the very best notary signing agent possible so you can get more signings and grow your business. The investment in time you spend learning these modules will provide dividends for years to come!
To view a prerequisite module, simple click on it on the left hand side of your course player, then view it, then click the blue “Complete & Continue” button at the bottom of the page to mark it as ‘complete.’
If you are unable to view a particular module, it is likely because you have a preceding prerequisite module that hasn't been viewed. Simply go to those prerequisite modules and click "Complete & Continue" until you get to the module you wish to view.
Find Previously Viewed Modules Using the Search Tool
Once you view a module, the Chapter is marked as complete and may not show on the left side of the column. In this case, you'll have to use the search tool just above the list of chapters. To do this, simply click "Search by lesson title" on the upper left hand side to search or scroll to the previously-viewed module.
Adjust the Speed of Your Training Videos
You have complete flexibility to adjust the playback speed of the training videos. Speed up sections of the videos where you have a firm grasp of the material, and slow down sections that may need a more methodical approach to fully understand!
Simply click on the gear icon on the lower right hand side of the video, click "Speed," then select the speed you'd like the video to play.
Turn On Closed Captioning
Additionally, some videos have a closed caption option. Should the video you're viewing have the option, you'll see a "CC" icon next to the volume of the video. Click that icon and select "English" to view the captions.
How to Maximize Your Monthly Complete Notary Mentorship in Exclusive Networks
Loan Signing System students get exclusive access to a private Facebook group and Complete Notary Mentorship private network where I, Six figure signing agents, and industry experts train, and answer your questions LIVE! If you're a Professional or Six Figure Course student, you get four months and six months of mentorship respectively included in your course!
Watch Previous Mentorship Sessions to Learn How to Grow Your Business
As a monthly mentorship student, you'll get access to my full library of previous mentorship sessions. Keep in mind that not only do I answer your questions LIVE... I also provide a special training session on how you can take your business to the next level! So going through previous mentorship session videos will provide a significant amount of knowledge so you can build your signing agent business!
To access those videos, click on the "videos" tab within the exclusive group. You'll be able to watch every mentorship session!
Searching the Mentorship Group Feed for Answers to Previously Asked Questions (the Fastest Way to Immediately Find Answers):
In addition to watching previously recorded mentorship sessions, you'll also get to search the group for previously asked questions or comments other students in your same position have asked. This is often the fastest way to get immediate answers to your questions (chances are, another student has had the same question). Finding answers to common questions this way also keeps the mentorship group feed clear of repetitive questions so you can get more relevant answers to your less common questions!
To search previously discussed topics, simply type the keywords of your inquiry in the search box found on top of the feed!
Add Monthly Complete Notary Mentorship to Your Course:
If you're not yet a monthly mentorship student (it is included with the Professional and Six Figure courses), be sure to add it to your course by clicking the button below. You'll get to network with other students as well as ask me and industry experts questions LIVE! It's the best way to build your business as a notary loan signing agent!
Attend Live Complete Notary Mentorship Sessions to Learn How to Diversify your income using your notary commission
As a monthly mentorship student, you'll get access to Six Figure Signing agents, Industry Experts, and Me! Attend ongoing weekly trainings covering general notary work, specialty notary work (apostilles, field inspections, wedding officiants, etc) and Remote Online Notary (RON) training, and E-Closings!
To access the Events, click on the "Events Calendar" tab on the left hand side in Complete Notary Mentorship home page. You'll be able to attend and watch every mentorship session!
How to Adjust Your Credit Card and Monthly Mentorship Subscription
Changing Credit Cards or Cancelling a Subscription:
I offer payment options for most of my courses. Additionally, once your included monthly mentorship expires (4 months for the Professional Course and 6 months for the Six Figure course), you have the option to continue benefiting from the mentorship at a low cost of $27 per month.
If you would like to change your credit card on file or would like to cancel your subscription, simply email [email protected] or click on the button below:
From here, you'll be able to update your profile, change your password, and adjust your billing settings.
Finding Your Certification
While there is a section for certificates in your profile, keep in mind that your certificate will be sent to you electronically via email and won't be posted in that section. It will be sent to you via email after you pass the Loan Signing System exam with a score of 90% or better.
That's the overview on how to navigate your course!! So what are you waiting for? Let's start learning!!! Click here to see your courses: